Dermapen4 - $285.00 one-off treatment or see our SPECIAL - $197 PER MONTH FOR 3 MONTHS - DERMAPEN4 TREATMENT, FACIAL AND REDLIGHT THERAPY - 1 HOUR - BOOK ONLINE
This treatment involves the use of very fine medical needles that create micro punctures, and tiny channels in the skin’s surface layer. This process helps induce the production of collagen also allowing the therapist to deliver directly to the dermis hyaluronic acid or vitamin C or both. When the skin channels close after 10 minutes these active products are then trapped in the skin at a level where they are needed and most effective for hydration and collagen and elastin production. This helps to tighten the skin, restore moisture and elasticity.
Although it sounds invasive the micro-trauma to the skin is what produces the healing response increasing natural collagen formation and resulting in better structure and texture. The results from this can be enhanced by using our collagen powder, it is tasteless and can be added to any of your favourite drinks.
A Dermal Sense Pen needling treatment helps with:
Softening fine lines and wrinkles
Reducing sun damage and pigmentation
Stimulating the formation of collagen
Restoring elasticity and tightening the skin
Improving the skin’s ability to absorb creams, gels, and other topical preparations that are used to achieve the desired results
Improve the appearance of acne scarring
Improve the strength of weakened capillary walls that cause diffused redness (rosacea)
Reduce and improve the appearance of scars on the body
Full Facial with Acupuncture and Red Light Therapy - $210.00 - BOOK ONLINE
Red Light Therapy is an extremely safe, non invasive, gentle yet very powerful and effective treatment. It stands on its own or can be used in conjunction with acupuncture. It is not unusual for the effects to be immediate.
Red Light Therapy is suitable for all skin types.
The benefits of this treatment are:
increased collagen production
decrease of the natural signs of aging
decrease in pigmentation
promotion of lymphatic drainage
enhanced immunity
reduction in acne bacteria
increase in cellular metabolism
decrease of muscle tension
Facial Acupuncture is suitable for all skin types.
The benefits of this treatment are:
Aid in overall stimulation of blood flow and energy(muscle tone) to the face assisting in the reduction of the natural aging process
reduction in red, inflamed skin types, also helping with puffiness and darkness around the eye area
reduction in bacteria leading to acne
speeding up wound healing
improved cellular health which stimulates the growth of new collagen production
Facial acupuncture can also help:
reduce anxiety
reduce sinus congestion and allergies
treat headaches
regulate internal imbalances
boost Qi(Energy)
Contact Leesa today to discuss your cosmetic facial treatments on 09 4248537 or email us