Acupuncture Can Help Strengthen Our Bodies Defences. It Reduces Stress, Stimulates Our Immune System & Increase Immune Cells. Read Our Natural Immunity Blog Post.
The ancient beauty treatment of facial acupuncture has been increasing in popularity at the moment, and no wonder! It is one of the go-to facial beauty treatments for celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie. Read more.
From Sunrise to Sunset, that is how far away East is to the West. The same can be said when it comes to types of Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine from the East has been around for thousands of years, Western medicine is in its relative infancy in comparison. Learn more
If your body was an army, your Liver would be the Sergeant General. As one of the body’s largest organs, its duties and responsibilities are seemingly endless. The liver plays an important role in numerous body functions including our digestion, metabolism and absorption of key minerals. It is like our own personal blood factory. Learn more…
Do you find it difficult to go an hour without checking your phone (go on, I dare you to try it)? Is your phone the first thing you reach for when you wake up? Is it the one thing you can’t leave home without? When the internet is down do you feel anxious, cranky and generally not know what to do with yourself? Having this level of reliance on a device makes it feel less like a gadget and more like an essential limb. Read more…
It is important our spinal health gets the attention it deserves. But how do we care for our spine? And what are some potential ways we could be endangering the health of this critical frame in our body’s architecture? As our habits and behaviours change over time, so does the health of our spine. Lifestyles of many have become increasingly sedentary, many spending hours on devices with little or no movement, leading to issues with posture, weakened muscles and strain on the spine. Learn more
Today, there seems to be more information on food than ever before. Every type of food has been dissected for its beneficial and harmful effects on the human body. We are living in a world of countless health diet theories and the societal squeeze to adhere to one of them – Keto, Atkins, Low Carb, High Protein, Paleo, Vegan, Raw – our views can be shaped by ever changing trends and the latest clinical research. Are there any pitfalls of a self-prescribed diet? How can we be sure it is working on the inside? Read more…
Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese medicine. For some, Chinese medicine might be quite a foreign concept, so let us break it down for you. This ancient medical system takes a holistic approach to health and well-being, in other words - it looks at the big picture, believing the body is intimately interconnected and explicable only when you look at the whole person. You see, our bodies are extremely complex - physically, mentally and emotionally and you might be surprised how these three rely on each other… Learn more
Have you ever heard a skilled musician play a stringed instrument? They understand the importance of finely tuning the instrument regularly to ensure it performs at its best. Our bodies are much the same, they also need regular attention as they are prone to getting out of tune from time to time. Hormones regulate many different functions that make us tick … Learn more
As a loving parent, you no doubt want the very best care for your children. At times, doctors struggle to find solutions to common on-going health problems children are experiencing today. You may turn to Google for an overload of information which can also be daunting and frustrating for you. Meanwhile, seeing that twinkle leave your child’s eye can be particularly heart-breaking.