From Sunrise to Sunset, that is how far away East is to the West. The same can be said when it comes to types of Medicine. Traditional Chinese Medicine from the East has been around for thousands of years, Western medicine is in its relative infancy in comparison. Western medicine works by assessing an ailment and then deriving the appropriate relief (usually of a pharmaceutical nature). Acupuncture, however, works by activating the body’s self-healing ability. By kick-starting this system, it triggers a process like re-booting your computer software which results in everything being checked and re-calibrated to run smoothly again.
If you are not familiar with Acupuncture, you may be unaware of the vast array of everyday issues this treatment can help with. Here is a list of a few common ailments;
Neck and Shoulder Pain
Sports injuries
Anxiety and Stress management
Chronic Fatigue
Hip and Lower back pain
Acupuncture has helped improve conditions like headaches, smoking addiction, weight control, tennis elbow, golfers elbow, carpal tunnel, irritable bowel, menstrual problems, urinary infections, sciatica, menopause, arthritis and sinusitis.
Many in our society who experience the above problems have become so accustomed to experiencing pain or discomfort and popping a pill for an instant solution. And granted, it often does make the symptom ease or disappear, however it is important that we understand why we experienced the symptom in the first place. Just like a person who cannot speak will find different ways to communicate, our body is constantly trying to find different ways to tell us that there is something out of kilter. This is where Acupuncture can really help. For instance, it helps relieve pain naturally by stimulating the release of endorphins, the body's natural pain-relieving chemicals.
Emotional or mental discomfort can also be tackled with a treatment plan that includes Acupuncture. This is because Traditional Chinese Medicine professionals take a holistic approach to your well-being and understand that pain can be complex and caused by a combination of factors.
Are you still sitting on the fence with acupuncture? Not sure if it is right for you? Take the leap into the wellness industry and let us here at Clinic 38 help you get on the path to good health, it’s a journey well worth the effort.